Dr. Pamela Ryan brings her informed passion to every interview, public role, keynote, and speaking engagement. She has conducted hundreds of interviews on three continents with such media and platforms as:

60 Minutes
BBC World
The Australian

The Financial Review

Al Jazeera
Sunday Program
Newsmaker Briefing, National Press Club, Washington DC

Forbes interview with Lauren Donnellan on Impact Imperative (2/2020) – “Join This Compassionate Business Leader to Save the Planet Through Innovation”

Women Love Tech interview with Robyn Foyster on Impact Imperative (12/2019) Exclusive Interview: Dr. Pamela Ryan

Op-Ed Article for the Australian Financial Review: How to help without doing harm (3/2020)


Singularity University Inspire for Five podcast

Climate Change Interview Series with Scott Amyx

“Pam Ryan has already had a brilliant career…Wherever she lands she makes a difference. She also brings hope and inspires people to do things they sometimes never thought they could!”
                                 Ray Martin, international television journalist, including 60 Minutes, A Current Affair, Australia


Dr. Ryan has delivered hundreds of speaking engagements — including keynotes, panels, parliamentary testimony and commencement addresses. Below is a representative sample.

Dr. Pamela Ryan with Ray Martin – Sunday Program (Channel 9 Australia)

Beyond Fear: Finding Hope in the Horror – KVUE News (ABC Austin)

Beyond Fear: Finding Hope in the Horror – KXAN News (NBC Austin)

SA Constitutional Convention – Stateline Program (ABC Australia)


Dr. Ryan has delivered hundreds of speeches over the years.  Those listed below are a representative sampling.

Social Entrepreneur of the Year Awards – Austin, Texas (2014)

Social Entrepreneur of the Year Awards – Austin, Texas (2013) 

The University of South Australia – Commencement Address (2008)

Rethinking Venture Capital: The Value of Women Investing in Women. SXSW, Austin, Texas. March 2018

Scaling Your Vision: Impact Capital. Australian Social Capital Conference, Entrepreneurs Week. July 2017

Beyond the Bottom Line: Setting a New Bar for VC. SXSW, Austin, Texas. March 2017

The Future of Social Enterprise, the Future of Impact. University of Oxford Social and Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing International Annual Conference. Oxford, United Kingdom. April 2015

The Future of Social Entrepreneurship and Impact: Preliminary Research Findings. University of Oxford Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship. Oxford, United Kingdom. April 2014

Social and Business Entrepreneurship: Singing the same Songlines. At the Central Texas Annual Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. Austin, Texas, June 2013

The Psychology of Microfinance. Global Microfinance Summit. Spain. December 2012

Beyond Stereotypes and Prejudice. Panel Discussion at the Parliament of the World’s Religions. Melbourne, Australia, December 2009

Giving Voice to the Voiceless: Policy Implications of Two Decades of Research on Children Involved in Fighting Forces. Psychology Beyond Borders. European Congress of Psychology Annual Conference. Oslo, Norway. July 2009

Commencement Address. The University of South Australia. April 2008

Beyond Beliefs: The potent power of knowledge on our natural tendencies to stereotype and prejudice. At Hawke Research Centre, University of South Australia and Issues Deliberation Australia Public Screening of Beyond Beliefs. Adelaide Town Hall, Adelaide, Australia, September 2007

Australia Deliberates: Muslims and Non-Muslims in Australia. Welcome Ceremony. Old Parliament House, Canberra, Australia, March 2007

The Psychosocial Impacts of Fear and Terror: The potent positive force of First Responders. Presentation to the World Police and Fire Conference. Adelaide, Australia, March 2007


Beyond Fear: Managing the Psychosocial Aspects of Terrorism. At Hawke Research Centre, University of South Australia and Issues Deliberation Australia Public Screening of Beyond Fear. Adelaide Town Hall, Adelaide, Australia, November 2006

The Psychology of Fear and Terror. Insights and Strategies from the world’s leading experts. To Members of Parliament, their advisors and media. Parliament House, Canberra, Australia, October 2005

If not now, when? If not us, then who? The Time for Philanthropic giving is now. Association of Fundraising Professionals of Central Texas. Austin, Texas, October 2005

Managing the Psychology of Fear and Terror: a national and international imperative, with the USA leading the way? Presentation to The United States Congress and their advisors. United States Capitol, Washington, D.C., September 2004

Managing the Psychology of Fear and Terror:  Insights from the world’s leading experts? Presentation at the National Press Club, Washington, D.C., September 2004

Managing the Psychology of Fear and Terror: the synergies possible with global collaboration. At First International Assembly on Managing the Psychology of Fear and Terror. Dripping Springs, Texas, August 2004

The crucial role of Social Entrepreneurship: Recognising our quiet heroes. At the Central Texas Annual Entrepreneur of the Year Awards.  Austin, Texas, June 2004

Parliamentary Testimony, South Australia Parliamentary Steering Committee on Parliamentary Reform. Parliament House, Adelaide, South Australia. October 2003

The State We’ll Be In:  Creating Alternative Futures For South Australia. At the South Australian Economic Growth Summit. Adelaide, Australia, April 2003

The Power of the People in bringing about Parliamentary Reform. At the South Australian Constitutional Convention. Adelaide Town Hall, Adelaide, Australia, August 2003

Why some venture capitalists escalate and others don’t in the same investment situation. Presented to the Australian Venture Capital Association. Melbourne, Victoria, October 2002

Reconciliation: Where from Here? Australia Deliberates on Reconciliation Launch. Sydney Opera House. Sydney, Australia, January 2001

A Republic Yes or No? Australia Deliberates on an Australian Republic Welcome Ceremony. Old Parliament House, Canberra, Australia, October 1999

Parliamentary Testimony to Joint Select Committee on an Australian Republic.Parliament House, Canberra, Australia. July 1999