These booklets are available on request by emailing
Ryan, P.M. (2012). The Psychology of Microfinance: The Evidence.
Ryan, P.M. (2012). Do No Further Harm: Challenges of International Work.
Ryan, P.M. (2011). Children Associated with Armed Forces & Armed Groups.
Ryan, P.M. (2010). Psychology into Policy.
Ryan, P.M. (2011). Islam and the West: Extremist militants sharpen the wedge.
Ryan, P.M. (2010). Women and war: Lest we forget.
Ryan, P.M. (2010). Chilean miners: What now?
Ryan, P.M. (2010). Light and death.
Ryan, P.M. (2010). I am woman.
Silver, R.C., Ryan, P.M., Skiadas, T.E. (2012). Feature: Psychology Beyond Borders — The California Psychologist, September/October Issue.
Ryan, P.M. (2007). Australia Deliberates: Muslims and Non-Muslims in Australia — Participants Briefing Document.
Ryan, P.M. (2007). Living With the Emotions of Cancer.
Gelkopf, M., Ryan, P.M., Cotton, S.J., Berger, R. (2008). The impact of a “Training the Trainers” course in a community-based psycho-educational intervention for Tsunami-disaster Sri Lankan Aid Volunteers, International Journal of Stress Management, 15(2), pp. 117-135.
Ryan, P.M. (2005). Guidelines for Psychologists in Dealing with Terror and Trauma.
Ryan, P.M. (2005). Guidelines for the Media in Dealing with Terror and Trauma.
Ryan, P.M. (2005). Government Check-List for Managing the Psychology of Fear and Terror.
Ryan, P.M. (2005). Psychological Impact of Terror: A Summary.
Ryan, P.M. (2005). International Assembly on Managing the Psychology of Fear and Terror: Strategies for Governments, Individuals and Service Providers.
Ryan, P.M. (2003). The Constitutional Convention: South Australia Deliberates: The Future of Our Parliament – Participants Summary Report of the Constitutional Convention Discussion Paper.
Ryan, P.M. (2002). The ACT Deliberates: An ACT Bill of Rights? Final Report.
Ryan, P.M. (2002). The ACT Deliberates: An ACT Bill of Rights? Participants Briefing Document.
Ryan, P.M. (2001). Australia Deliberates: Reconciliation – Where from Here? Participants Briefing Document.
Ryan, P.M. (1999). Australia Deliberates: A Republic – Yes or No? Final Report.
Ryan, P.M. (1999). Australia Deliberates: A Republic – Yes or No? Participants Briefing Document.
Ryan, P.M. (2007). Australia Deliberates: Muslims and Non-Muslims in Australia — Final Report. Tabled in the Australian Parliament by The Hon. Laurie Ferguson, June 2008.
Ryan, P.M. (2003). The Constitutional Convention: South Australia Deliberates: The Future of Our Parliament – Final Report. Tabled in the South Australian Parliament by The Hon. Peter Lewis, October, 2003.
Ryan, P.M. (2001). Australia Deliberates: Reconciliation – Where from Here? Final Report. Tabled in the Australian Parliament by Senator Aden Ridgeway, September 2001.
Ryan, P.M., Silver, R.C., Fairbank, J., Watson, P. (2012). Addressing the Values and Challenges of Working in War-torn, Violent, and Disaster Affected Regions. Symposium presentation at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Los Angeles, USA.
Seyle, D.C., Skiadas, T.E. and Ryan, P.M. (2012). The Structure of Non-Muslim Australian’s Beliefs About Muslim Immigrants and Immigration to Australia Before and After Deliberative Engagement. Paper presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Chicago, USA.
Ryan, P.M., Skiadas, T.E., and Seyle, D.C. (2011). The Psychology of Microfinance: The Evidence. Paper presented at the Global Microcredit Summit, Valladolid, Spain.
Skiadas, T.E., Seyle, D.C., and Ryan, P.M. (2011). Differences that count: Using cognitive mapping to interpret the voting decisions of partisans and independents. Paper presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.
Seyle, D.C., Ryan, P.M., and Skiadas, T.E. (2010). Predictors of the impact of deliberative engagement on political opinion and intergroup perception. Paper presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, San Francisco, USA.
Ryan, P.M & McVeigh, J. (2009). Giving Voice to the Voiceless: Policy Implications of Two Decades of Research on Children Involved in Fighting Forces. Symposium title: War affected youth: Predictions, problems, and solutions for children associated with fighting forces. Presented at the 2009 European Congress of Psychology, Oslo, Norway.
Seyle, D.C., Ryan, P.M. & Skiadas, T.E. (2009). The Development and Impact of Deliberative Quality Across A Three-Day Deliberative Poll. Paper presented to the 2009 Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Dublin, Ireland.
Seyle, D.C. Watson, P., Lee, L. Ligenza, L. & Ryan, P.M. (2008). Policy Issues in Immediate and Intermediate Response to Disaster and Terror. Symposium at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago, Illinois.
Seyle, D.C, McGlohen, M., Ryan, P.M., Durham-Fowler, J., & Skiadas, T.E. (2008). Deliberative quality across time and gender: An introduction to the Effectiveness of Deliberation Scale. Poster session presented to the 2008 Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Paris, France.
Chu, C., Silver, R.L., Holman, E.A., Skiadas, T.E., & Ryan P.M. (2007). Are Australians concerned about terrorism? A nationwide study. Poster session presented to the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Irvine, California.
Ryan, P.M. (2005). The Psychological Impact of Terror and The Responsibility of the Media. Presentation To The Australian Psychological Society 20th Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia. September.
Ryan, P.M. (2002). Heuristics Versus Encyclopedic” Information Gathering? Lessons From Deliberation Down Under. Presented to the 2002 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, Massachusetts.
Ryan, P.M. (2002). Why some venture capitalists escalate and others don’t in the same investment situation. Presented to the Australian Venture Capital Association: Victoria, October.
Luskin, R.C, Fishkin, J.S. McAllister, I. Higley, J. and Ryan, P.M. (2000). Information Effects in Referendum Voting: Evidence from the Australian Deliberative Poll. Presented at the annual Joint Sessions of Workshops of the European Consortium for Political Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, April.
Ryan, P.M. (1996). Why Some Venture Capitalists Escalate and Others Don’t in the Same Investment Situation. Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings, Vancouver, Canada, August, 1996. (This paper was published in the Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings as one of the best papers submitted to the Organisational Behaviour Division of the Academy).
Ryan, P.M. (1991). The Escalation of Venture Capital Commitment to Entrepreneurial Ventures. Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings, Miami, Florida, August.
Ryan, P.M. (1991). Continuing Investment in Risky Ventures: A Cognitive Approach. Presented at the National Conference of the Australian Psychological Society, Adelaide, Australia, September.
Ryan, P.M. (1991). Invited participant: Organisational Behaviour Doctoral Consortium, Academy of Management.
Ryan, P.M. (1990). Cognitive Mapping as a Technique for Measuring Vision. Presented at the National Conference of the Australian Psychological Society, Melbourne, Australia, September.
Ryan, P.M. (1990). A Current State or a Goal to be Achieved: Strategic Renewal as an Ongoing Process. Presented at the Texas Conference on Organisations, April.
Ryan, P.M. (1983). Invited Participant: National Workshop in Management Research, The Australian Graduate School of Management.